Riverside Walk 

Harrietville Victoria
Town Walks
1.6 km
15 to 45 minutes
Grade 1: No bushwalking experience required. Flat even surface with no steps or steep sections. Suitable for wheelchair users who have someone to assist them. Walks no greater than 5km.
Grade 2: No bushwalking experience required. The track is hardened or compacted surface and may have a gentle hill section or sections and occasional steps. Walks no greater than 10km.
Grade 3: Suitable for most ages and fitness levels. Some bushwalking experience recommended. Tracks may have short steep hill sections a rough surface and many steps. Walks up to 20km.
Grade 4: Bushwalking experience recommended. Tracks may be long, rough and very steep. Directional signage may be limited.
Grade 5: Very experienced bushwalkers with specialised skills, including navigation and emergency first aid. Tracks are likely to be very rough, very steep and unmarked. Walks may be more than 20km.

Start at the Museum in Pioneer Park.

For a short loop walk south along the east branch of the Ovens River to Feathertop Lane. Turn right and continue to the Great Alpine Road and then turn right again back to Pioneer Park. For a longer loop continue along the Ovens River to Bon Accord Track. Turn right and continue to the Great Alpine Road, turn right back to Pioneer Park.

Riverside walk runs along the Ovens River and connects through to the Bon Accord Trail head in the Alpine National Park via a ford across the river. The course of the river is a result of a diversion done in 1948 by the Tronoh Dredge Company to allow the Tronoh Dredge to operate without affecting the quality of the river water. The walk traverses the levee bank created as part of the diversion, which is now an integral part of flood mitigation in Harrietville. The Levee Bank also passes the proposed Sambas Battery site.


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