Eildon Pondage Walk

The Eildon Pondage Walk is a flat and easy to navigate walk around the lower pondage, including over the lower pondage wall. It is a perfect walk for beginners or those with little ones in tow and what’s more, the pathway is also a popular cycle loop. The circuit starts from the Eildon Lions day…

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Foggs Lookout

Foggs Lookout, also known as Mt Pinninger Lookout, is a stunning vantage point that resides in Lake Eildon National Park and looks over the Dam Wall and vast clear waters of Lake Eildon. From up here you can see everything that is happening on the water below including boating, fishing, waterskiing and if you’re lucky…

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Trawool Valley

Trawool, originally named ‘Traawool’, the indigenous word for ‘wild water’, is a district dominated by agriculture, dairy and unforgettable scenery. The area was first explored by Hume and Hovell in 1824, and later settled as a large sheep station. The district is bounded in the East by the Bald Hills and to the West by…

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Horseshoe Lagoon Flora and Fauna Reserve

Horseshoe Lagoon is nestled in the bend of the Goulburn River between Kerrisdale and Trawool. The stunning surroundings and peaceful atmosphere make it the perfect place to enjoy outdoor activities such as camping and fishing. Walk in camping is allowed, no bookings or fees are required. Access to the camping area is approximately eight kilometers…

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